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Grand Theft Auto:三部曲 – 最终版 (PS5 & PS4) (韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语)

  • Rockstar Games
    GAME_BUNDLE | Release Date: 2021-11-11
  • Description


    三座个性十足的城市,三段扣人心弦的故事。重温开创了流派先河的 Grand Theft Auto 经典三部曲:Grand Theft Auto III、Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 与 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas。同时,您还能体验到新世代的全面功能改进,包括明亮的全新光照和环境升级、高分辨率纹理、经过提升的绘制距离、Grand Theft Auto V 风格的操作和瞄准方式等等。用全新的细节程度,逼真呈现深受大家喜爱的世界。

    Grand Theft Auto:三部曲 – 最终版包括:

    • Grand Theft Auto III:欢迎来到自由市,一切的起点。伴随着革命性的自由度提升,您想去哪便去哪、想偷谁便偷谁。在 Grand Theft Auto III 中,整个地下犯罪世界的中心尽在您的指尖,只看您有没有胆子将它揽入掌中。

    • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City:欢迎来到 20 世纪 80 年代。在这发型浮夸和粉色西装当道的年代,一个男人在成群罪犯中崛起的故事就此展开。Grand Theft Auto 载誉归来,讲述汤米·维尔切蒂的传说,带您领略灯红酒绿的热带都会,在背叛与复仇之间争名夺利、纸醉金迷。

    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas:五年前,“CJ”卡尔·约翰逊逃离了圣安地列斯州的洛圣都……一个充斥着帮派问题、毒品和贪腐的崩坏之城。现在是 90 年代初期,卡尔得回家了。他的母亲遭人谋杀、家庭分崩离析,甚至连童年好友都难逃厄运。回到街区后,一群贪污腐败的警察诬陷他犯下了谋杀罪。在这款改变了一切的系列新作中,卡尔·约翰逊被迫踏上横跨整个圣安地列斯州的旅程,试图挽救他的家庭并掌控街头。

    由 Rockstar Games 开发,并由 Grove Street Games 改编。



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    Rockstar Games, Inc. 622 Broadway, New York, NY, 10012. © 2001–2021. Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and R* Logo are marks/logos/copyrights of Take-Two Interactive. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998–2021, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Uses Oodle. Copyright © 2008–2021 by Epic Game Tools, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

    Use of this game is governed by the EULA available at www.rockstargames.com/eula. Some game features require internet connection. Rockstar does not guarantee the availability of online features, such as in-game purchases, multiplayer, or downloadable content, at any time including at launch. All online features are subject to the terms available at www.rockstargames.com/legal. Certain game features require Rockstar Social Club account registration, single-use serial code, or additional fees; such features are non-transferrable. Rockstar reserves the right to modify or discontinue the availability of any game features at its discretion without notice. For info, customer service and tech support, visit www.rockstar.com/support.

    This game is fictional; any similarities to real-world places, people, or entities is coincidental and does not imply any third-party sponsorship or endorsement of game content.

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  • Content Rating

    ESRB Mature 17+

    Blood and Gore Intense Violence Sexual Content Strong Language Use of Drugs 

@ 2019-2024 OWENDSWANG
Contact me: owendswang@qq.com